Working from home has become a phrase that we hear often however when it was introduced during the start of covid we were all unprepared. An impact of this was a shortage of desks across Australia. The kitchen table became the only option for many parents home schooling their children. Someone who knows this all too well is Benn Murphy who is one of the directors of Clarke Murphy Print. With four daughters at home who were remote learning there was a desperate need to separate the work and living environments.
Quick thinking from Benn he proposed the idea to build a desk to tackle the issue. With the help from our industrial and graphic design teams we were able to test, prototype and launched an e-commence platform all within 72 hours. The desk is made of 100% Australian-sourced materials and is 100% recyclable and, the best part about the desk was that it can be constructed within minutes and was a fun, family activity for the whole family to enjoy. Build a desk was initially developed with children in mind but as media attention grew it became for anyone who was in desperate need of a desk. This innovative desk is just one of the many ideas that we have at Clarke Murphy Print are capable of, and we hope to keep approaching everyday problems with innovative solutions.